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How to explain Why a species becomes extinct?

There are many factors that can contribute to a species becoming extinct, and often it is a combination of several different factors that ultimately lead to extinction. Some of the most common reasons for species extinction include:

  1. Habitat destruction: When humans modify or destroy the natural habitat of a species, it can no longer survive in that area, leading to population decline and eventual extinction.
  2. Climate change: Changes in climate can have a significant impact on the survival and reproduction of species, particularly those with specialized adaptations to their environment. If the climate changes too quickly for a species to adapt, it may become extinct.
  3. Overexploitation: When humans hunt or fish a species at a rate that is unsustainable, populations can decline rapidly, leading to extinction.
  4. Invasive species: Non-native species introduced to an area can outcompete native species for resources or prey upon them, leading to population decline and possible extinction.
  5. Disease: Outbreaks of disease can be devastating to a species, particularly if it is already in decline due to other factors.
  6. Natural disasters: Natural disasters such as floods, wildfires, or volcanic eruptions can wipe out entire populations of a species.

It is important to note that these factors do not always act in isolation, and a combination of several factors can contribute to the decline and eventual extinction of a species.


Is it seen, that a species becomes extinct because it destroy its own habitat?

While it is true that species can contribute to the destruction of their own habitat, this is not the only reason why a species may become extinct. Other factors, such as climate change, overexploitation, invasive species, disease, and natural disasters, can also play a significant role in the decline and eventual extinction of a species.

It is important to note that the impact of human activities on the environment has greatly increased in recent years, leading to an acceleration in the rate of species extinction. Human activities such as deforestation, pollution, and urbanization can all contribute to the destruction of natural habitats and the decline of species populations.

In some cases, species may be able to adapt to changes in their habitat or the impact of human activities, but in other cases, the changes may be too rapid or too severe for a species to survive. Ultimately, the loss of a species is a loss for the ecosystem as a whole, as each species plays a unique role in the functioning of the ecosystem.


Could one say, that the Human species is on a route to its own extincion because it has lost its ability to funcion in the global ecosystem?

It is difficult to predict the future of the human species with certainty, but it is clear that human activities have had a significant impact on the environment and other species. While humans have the ability to adapt and change their behavior, it is also true that some of the changes and impacts that humans have made on the planet may have long-term consequences that are difficult to reverse.

For example, climate change caused by human activities is already having an impact on the planet, leading to rising sea levels, more frequent and severe weather events, and changes in ecosystems that could lead to the extinction of some species. The loss of biodiversity caused by human activities also has consequences for the functioning of ecosystems, which could impact the availability of resources necessary for human survival.

However, it is also important to note that humans have the ability to make positive changes and work towards a more sustainable future. By reducing our impact on the environment, conserving biodiversity, and addressing the root causes of environmental issues, it may be possible to prevent the worst outcomes and create a more resilient and sustainable future for both humans and other species.


Could one say, that it is the individualistisk and isolatetd way the Human mind (thought) is functioning, that is the basic reason for the loss of connection whith the whole of the planets ecosystem. The Human thinking proces, that separate and divide. That reality is seen through thoughts and not directly as it is. As a whole?

The question of whether human thought and behavior is contributing to the loss of connection with the planet’s ecosystem is a complex and multifaceted issue. It is true that human behavior is shaped by cultural and social factors, which can contribute to a sense of separation and individualism.

For example, the focus on economic growth and consumption in many societies can lead to a disregard for the natural world and a prioritization of short-term gains over long-term sustainability. This can lead to overexploitation of resources, destruction of habitats, and a loss of biodiversity.

At the same time, it is also true that humans have the ability to connect with and appreciate the natural world, and many individuals and communities around the world have long-standing relationships with their environments and work to protect and conserve them.

In terms of the role of thought and perception in shaping human behavior, there is evidence to suggest that the way we think about the world can influence our actions. For example, if we see ourselves as separate from the natural world, we may be more likely to engage in behaviors that are harmful to the environment. However, if we see ourselves as interconnected with the natural world, we may be more likely to prioritize sustainability and conservation.

Ultimately, the question of how human thought and behavior is impacting the planet’s ecosystem is a complex and multifaceted issue that requires consideration of many different factors, including social, cultural, economic, and psychological factors.

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